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Assessment of Aerosol Characterisation and Delivery Performance of a Solution Using Different Configurations of a Breath-Actuated Mesh Nebuliser

Delivery performance of a formulation using a mesh nebuliser is dependent on the physical chemical properties of the liquid substance. Several factors such a viscosity and surface tension can influence the performance of a delivery system affecting its effectiveness. Therefore, counting with a set of customisation approaches within a nebuliser platform can allow to explore and compute the outcome for parameters with different configurations. These customisation approaches could extend not only to hardware modifications, but also firmware changes within the algorithm of the nebuliser. The latter one being of particular significance for newer smart breath-actuated mesh nebulisers that are equipped with novel functions. In this study, a commonly nebulised bronchodilator was used to explore the delivery performance of the AdheResp smart breath-actuated mesh nebuliser platform, focusing on a two-stage study to demonstrate the influence of customisation capabilities. The first stage consisted of a hardware adjustment, by testing a selection of mesh pore sizes and recording its impact on droplet size distribution. At the second stage, firmware modifications in triggering span during inhalation were also tested to collect data on the delivery performance and implications for each configuration that generated information about the correlation between triggering span and treatment time, and its later influence on delivery rate through delivered dose assessment. Consequently, the overall scope of the study presents the benefits of an exploratory work at the development stage of a new drug-nebuliser combination product, aiming to identify the most suitable pair for the targeted delivery requirements.

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